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Dodge City

Located in the Southwest Region of the state, in Ford County, (county seat). Pop. 21,129, Elev. 2594. Dodge City lies southwest of Great Bend along U.S. Hwy-50, on the banks of the Arkansas River. The city also is near Hain State Lake and Park

Dodge City was once called Hell of the Plains and the Wickedest Little City in America. In 1864, Fort Dodge - 1865 to 1882 was established 5 miles east and named after Colonel Henry I. Dodge. Dodge City was settled in 1872 and grew as a frontier town on the old Santa Fe Trail. It was a magnet of colorful characters, a freight line center and cattle business headquarters.

Today Dodge City is a growing city and a sorgum, wheat and livestock marketing center. Manufactured items include metal products and machinery, farm implements, processed foods, canvas goods and furniture. Also a tourist destination, Dodge City features a replica of Front Street with the Long Branch Saloon, and Boot Hill Cemetery and Boot Hill Museum and Front Street.

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