
Near the U.S. Army Aviation Museum, Daleville is located in Dale County (Southeast Region) putting it in the Dothan, Alabama metro area.

The city prides itself in an excellent outdoors program that includes such sports as baseball, football, basketball, and volleyball. These sports are sponsored by the city for all ages to be involved in. The Community Center and Culpepper Park are also excellent places to visit when in the area. The park has plenty of walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic tables.
The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 5,349 but still has room and accommodations which include Daleville Inn Motel & Apts, Econo Lodge Fort Rucker, The Gingerbread House and The Green House Inn. Click for more details, including other accommodations in the area, as well as online reservations.

For weather in Daleville, check weather.com. For homes in Daleville, go to realtor.com.